Hurtubise Weber Law LLP

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USCIS announces the beginning of “eProcessing”

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has recently announced that it will begin “eProcessing” cases. The official announcement states that “eProcessing will be a complete digital experience, from applying for a benefit, to communicating with USCIS, through receiving a decision on a case.” The hope is that this new system will “improve decision timeliness, increase transparency during the application process, and accelerate the availability of online filing for all immigration benefits.”

The first step in this transition is to allow certain nonimmigrants applying for a change of status or an extension of status to do so online.

Historically major changes in the processing system have been implemented slowly, over the course of many months or years. We expect that this will be the case here as well, and that the transition may be a bumpy one.  Contact us at or 415-496-9040 to learn more.